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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The 10 perfect ways to get traffic to your website

In this article, I’m going to share with you 10 perfect strategies for getting thousands of visitors to
your website each and every week.

They include:

1. Article Marketing
2. Forum Posting
3. Ebook Syndication
4. Video Marketing
5. Viral Pushes
6. Ad Swaps
7. Paid Advertising
8. Profile Making
9. Directory Submission
10. Blog Commenting

In further articles, We'll dive into the details of these strategies. :)

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Variables That Usually Affect Search Engine Ranks

This list includes most of the variables known to affect search engine ranks. One should understand that some of these variables are more important than others.
Variables that affect ranks in a positive way (these factors probably will not change over time, these
are some of the most important variables):
Keywords in your copy.
Link popularity.
Keywords in the title tag.
Listings in directories.

Variables that affect ranks in a negative way (these factors probably will not change over

Spamming by using the same word or phrase several times in your title, meta tags, or text.
Spamming by putting words or phrases into your meta tags or title that have nothing to do
with the actual content people see on your web page.
Using text the same color as the background.
Using tiny text (font size "-1" or smaller) as a way to cram keywords into a page.
Linking out to sites that have nothing to do with the focus or niche of your site.
Linking out to link farms or free-for-all (FFA) link pages. (Sites that contain pages just for the
purpose of exchanging links with other sites without concern for content. Generally link farms
or FFA link pages have thousands of links and the links are added by means of a program not
a human.)
Links coming in from link farms or FFA link pages.

Variables that have been thought to affect ranks positively in the past (these factors may
change over time depending on the way the algorithm is programmed):

Keywords in the domain name
Bolding keywords, e.g. <b>WiseVIN</b>
Using keywords in heading tags, e.g. <H4>WiseVIN</H4>
Keywords closest to the top of the page.
Keywords in the description tag.
Keywords in the keywords tag.
Keywords in the names of linked pages and in the linked words, 
e.g. <a href="">WiseVIN : An Entrepreneur</a>.
Keywords in alt tags.
Keywords as names of images, e.g. <img src="wisevin.gif alt="wisevin">.
Getting listings in Pay-Per-Click search engines like Google Adwords or Overture.
Since keywords are so important in SEO it is heavily recommended you get yourself a solid keyword tool such as Keyword Elite . Not only will this save time, effort, and lots of guess work, but it will
greatly increase your SEO efforts.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Search Engine Popular Terms

Alt Tag: The alternative text that the browser displays when the surfer does not want
to or cannot see the pictures present in a web page. Using alt tags containing
keywords can improve the search engine ranking of the page for those keywords.

Click Popularity: A measure of the relevance of sites obtained by noting which sites
are clicked on most and how much time users spend in each site.

Cloaking: The process by which your site can display different pages under different
circumstances. It is primarily used to show an optimized page to the search engines
and a different page to humans. Most search engines will penalize a site if they
discover that it is using cloaking.

Comment Tag: The text present within the tags in a web page. While most search
engines will ignore the text within the Comment Tags, some, like Excite, will index
the text present within them.

Directory: A site containing links to other sites which are organized into various
categories. Examples of directories are Yahoo!, Open Directory, LookSmart, NBCi

Doorway Page : A page which has been specially created in order to get a high ranking
in the search engines. Also called gateway page, bridge page, entry page etc.

Dynamic Content : Information in web pages which changes automatically, based on
database or user information. Search engines will index dynamic content in the same
way as static content unless the URL includes a ? mark. However, if the URL does
include a ? mark, many search engines will ignore the URL.

Frames : An HTML technique allowing web site designers to display two or more
pages in the same browser window. Many search engines do not index framed web
pages properly - they only index the text present in the NOFRAMES tag. Unless a
web page which uses frames contains relevant content in the NOFRAMES tag, it is
unlikely to get a high ranking in those search engines.

Hallway Page : A page containing links to various doorway pages.

Heading Tags : A paragraph style that is displayed in a large, bold typeface. Having
text containing keywords in the Heading Tags can improve the search engine ranking
of a page for those keywords.

Hidden Text : Text that is visible to the search engines but is invisible to humans. It is
mainly accomplished by using text in the same color as the background color of the
page. It is primarily used for the purpose of including extra keywords in the page
without distorting the aesthetics of the page. Most search engines penalize web sites
which use such hidden text.

Image Map : An image containing one or more invisible regions which are linked to
other pages. If the image map is defined as a separate file, the search engines may not
be able to index the pages to which that image map links. The way out is to have text
hyperlinks to those pages in addition to the links from the image map. However,
image maps defined within the same web page will generally not prevent search
engines from indexing the other pages.

JavaScript : A scripting language commonly used in web pages. Most search engines
are unable to index these scripts properly.

Keyword : A word or phrase that you type in when you are searching for information
in the search engines.

Keyword Frequency : Denotes how often a keyword appears in a page or in an area of
a page. In general, higher the number of times a keyword appears in a page, higher its
search engine ranking. However, repeating a keyword too often in a page can lead to
that page being penalized for spamming.

Keyword Prominence : Denotes how close to the start of an area of a page that a
keyword appears. In general, having the keyword closer to the start of an area will
lead to an improvement in the search engine ranking of a page.

Keyword Weight : Denotes the number of times a keyword appears in a page as a
percentage of all the other words in the page. In general, higher the weight of a
particular keyword in a page, higher will be the search engine ranking of the page for
that keyword. However, repeating a keyword too often in order to increase its weight
can cause the page to be penalized by the search engines.

Link Popularity : The number of sites which link to a particular site. Many search
engines use link popularity as a factor in determining the search engine ranking of a
web site.

Meta Description Tag : The tag present in the header of a web page which is used to
provide a short description of the contents of the page. Some search engines will
display the text present in the Meta Description Tag when the page appears in the
results of a search.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Secure your folders using Folder Lock Program

Folder Lock 1.0


Folder Lock is a small and useful utility that can help you restrict access to the directories you want. Now your folders will become inaccessible to unauthorized users.
You can password protect a folder and the folder will be encrypted.

Softpedia Award: Folder Lock 100% Clean 

Forwarding Email Account [Gmail Explained]

Do you want to use secondary email address while hiding your personal email account? or Do you want to connect your multiple email account to single account?
Here is how it can be done:
Email forwarding is an option provided by your email provider like Yahoo mail, Gmail, Hotmail etc. You can forward your multiple email accounts to a single private account to get all emails delivered to your private account.

Forwarding Email in Gmail:
Suppose you have two email IDs Public & Private and you want to forward all incoming emails from public id to the private id.
1. Sign in your public email id.
2. Click on the Options icon at the top right corner in your browser window (it will take you to the options page)

3. Now, under the settings page, click on the Forwarding option.
4. Click add a forwarding address and enter your private email.
5. That's all, Now all incoming emails which is sent to your public email account will be forwarded to your private email account.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

phpBB adding "AddThis" Social sharing button

Sharing on social networking sites are very good and traffic generating. There are many plugins that adds social sharing button in wordpress but its a bit hard to add social sharing buttons in phpBB bulletin board. Well, Here everything explained how to add these buttons to your forums.

1. Login to your hosting account and open file manager.
2. Navigate to Forums > Styles > Your current Style > Template > Viewtopic_body.html
3. Open viewtopicbody.html and edit it.
4. Press CTRL+F and find the code below:

</span><br />{postrow.SIGNATURE}</div>
5. Add the code below right after the above code:
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="medium"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END --> 

6. Login to your phpBB admin account and Purge the Cache under General tab.

That's all, You are done!

See the result below:

If you have questions, please let me know. :)

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Windows 7 Themes: New look to your Windows 7

Are you bored with the current look of your windows 7? Don't worry Windows provides you many of customized themes to give a new look to your operating system.
Using these themes you can add brilliant graphics and other accessories that will enhance your windows graphics and looks. There are many sites which offers free themes for windows 7.
You can customize these themes according to your wish and can give your PC a genuine look.
So Why don't you try Windows 7 Themes?

Go to the official Windows 7 Themes Page
Alternatively: Windows7Theme

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Age calculator in Visual Basic 6

Age calculator is a simple program to calculate the accurate age by given date of birth. You don't need to write today's date because it is automatically grabbed from your PC time and date.
The Age calculator gives the accurate age even in seconds that How many seconds you have spent on this earth LOL!
You can contact me if you want this project with synopsis and source code.

Download this: Age Calculator on Sourceforge 
Download this from Softpedia: Age Calculator - Softpedia

AdRorator Control in ASP.NET

The AdRoatator control displays a sequence of images, known as advertisements, on a Web page. The sequence in which the images appear can be predefined on random in nature. These advertisements, which all Internet users are familiar with, are image files in GIF, JPEG, or other formats that the user can click to navigate to the advertiser's website.
Inheritance hierarchy of Adrotator class:

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Happy Diwali to all you surfers!

Now, Its Diwali season, The most important festival in india. I won't be telling you the whole story behind this festival because you must be knowing about Diwali already IF you are celebrating it. Those who doesn't know can use google.
Wish you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali. May you be blessed ! :)